Wednesday, December 8, 2010

When You Call on Jesus, All Things Are Possible!

So, 2 weeks before finals I started studying for the big bio test. Haven't stopped since! Chem is 10:30am on Monday, haven't started for that even. Was SUPER disappointed yesterday when I didn't get to participate in Christmas Extravaganza (a day where the halls decorate their doorways with a Christmas theme). Of course Doc Deer Slayer decided to have a review session for the final that day. Well, to be fair, the review sessions are always at that time. But still. I couldn't skip just this one night!!! Urgh.

I saw this really funny quote from a friend today..
In this life you need to remember one thing: God is not a Burger King, He is the King of Kings. You can't always have it your way.
So yeah, I have a TON to catch up on, God has been teaching me a lot these last days. I haven't even been spending that much time talking to him, but in the midst of my alone time studying and going to chapel (though I need not, I have gone several more times than I have to) and just talking to my incredibly encouraging God-fearing friends, I have discovered some common themes. 
1. Do not be comfortable with life the way it is. 
2. Do not ignore God's call. 
3. Heh, my theme song/motto of life...Don't just go through the motions! 
4. Your worth comes from God, not from grades or friends. 
5. You can be busy and not stressed.
6. You need to just step out in faith, God shall bring the rest! The Holy Spirit shall give you the words to say, trust in Him alone. You didn't think you were the one who was doing all these good things right, did you?!
...And similar things like that. Be courageous my friends, we shall make it through this stressful time! No, our professors do not want to kill us. . . they really want to make sure we are learning everything. Go ask 'em questions, they can help. :)
1 John 2:28-29 - And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming. If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of him. 


  1. Amen!

    And please, please, please... if these people can learn biology and get up and tell the rest of the world their view of how life works - there is no way you can't do it too.

    lol, be glad you're at Northwestern.... and don't give up! We neeeeed Christian biologists and scientists and EVERYTHING so badly!

    Praying for you as you finish up this semester! And thanks for this post. :)

  2. Thanks Kathrine!! You are such an encouragement to me...I really appreciate it. Only 7 more days til finals are all done! WOW, can hardly believe it is almost over. 1st semester!
