Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sammich Sunday

Well, I have not yet collected all my thoughts about today's topic. Has a lot to do with being dependent on friends and what you allow to define yourself. Shall think about this more. Was thinking and praying as I went on a walk today and then came back and exercised some indoors. Praying a lot for friends. Pondering what to do to help. Seems as if all my friends are having issues all at once! I enjoy knowing that they trust me enough to confide life. :)

I'm trying to be productive during break!

Wednesday: had intense conversations with friends
Thursday: unpacked, watched Free Willy
Friday: did laundry, knit, wrapped presents
Saturday: did laundry, read a book, went to movie with friends!!
Sunday: sammich sunday, wrapped presents, did a bit of laundry, went on walk, went on errands, minor exercising, watched TV, tried to convince fam to put up Christmas tree, called a friend.

So today was Sandwich Sunday, better known as Sammich Sunday to the teens. The Alley Church canceled Sunday services to have a novel hands-on type of service. Their goal was to make and pack 10,000 sandwiches for the ministry called 363 days. This ministry's name highlights that Thanksgiving and Christmas are the two days of the year focused on by most charites (and ministries even too). 363 wants to reach out to the broken and hungry EVERY day of the year though! This is cool. They preach the gospel mainly to the homeless at the Sal Army Harbor Light Mission, but take the sandwiches to the streets as well.

This reminds me of an outreach at school called Streetlight. Often people won't accept a prayer, but if offered a sandwich shall take that. Sometimes their heart is warmed and they shall be open to a prayer as well! Amazing. The guy who started 363 came and spoke between the two services and talked about how most homeless have mental issues and the sandwich might be their only meal of the day. Or perhaps one of two meals if they are fortunate enough to live close to a mission home.

Anyways, all us church go-ers managed to be so efficient that we blew up our goal. LOL! 5,000 sandwiches in the first 20 minutes, over 8,000 in the first hour and a half. After the second "service" (which both included prayer and a couple worship songs) we had made a total of over 12,500 sandwiches!! WOW!! They ran out of cheese and bread and had to go buy more before the second service, then had to cut that short cause we just plumb ran out of the donated supplies. Haha, it was quite amazing and all guided by our Lord.

Felt good to take action on all that we have been learning. To be a part of something larger than myself can know. Quote from pastor: "Now...take it to the streets!" Live out your Christians walk with actions and not just all talk.

James 2:22
You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.
Titus 1:16
They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him.

Do not just claim to know God, prove that you do. Make sure you are able to describe your faith to others, especially non-believers. In this way prepare yourself for that which God will bring opportunities to do - share the gospel! The love of God!

My fav for the day...

1 John 3:18
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
Blessings my dearest friends...walk in peace.


  1. This sounds like fun. :)
    Side note:
    I love how you include verses after each of your posts.

  2. That does sound fun!

    catching up a bit on blogs... I JUST got done with my finals... it's so NICE to be done! :D

    And I just wanted to say that I really liked your posts during finals - they were great! :)

  3. Oh good! I am glad you liked them - both of you! :)

    YES! SO relieving to be done with finals...I was blown away by your O chem test story Karherine!! Tried to comment but it wouldn't let me. Lame. X) God is AMAZING.
