Thursday, November 25, 2010

Vasaline and Lotsa String!

So the RA's had a brilliant idea to have a brother/sister hall thanksgiving dinner last Thursday. Our sister hall signed up to bring deserts, and the brother hall immediately claimed the side dishes. So we were stuck with the turkey and drinks. Yay?

Ken, the RA of our brother hall, had suggested a few days before that we make it an ugly sweater party. Our hall readily agreed, and promptly adventured to Goodwill to stake out some horrendous outfits. Haha, What we did not know is that the store had an ugly sweater event just the week before! They were overflowing with the picked-over fluffy shirts. *happy dance*
So after trying on large armfuls of the hilarious sweaters (including one that was giant enough to be a dress!) my hallmate and I finally chose a couple on sale and checked out.

We also went shopping and used the hall funds to get two large turkeys, some bottles of soda, and a ton of supplies for making hot cranberry punch (my specialty!). I was glad of that, because I really did not have money to buy food. I am guessing that is why the other halls wanted to bring the "easy" stuff. But it is ok, I enjoyed spending a couple hours boiling the drink!! The red liquid smelled just delish, filling up our whole room with the smell of fresh cranberries and cinnamon. Yum! Boy oh boy did our dorm smell good with stuffing and turkey cooking just down the hall...*stomach rumbles*

I felt bad for our RA Bella, she ended up doing most of the work setting up the room we reserved, and she made the turkey and all too. But she sure did a good job of it, cause everyone LOVED it! The other girls showed up around the same time we did, bearing good gifts of sugary foods. Disappointingly, they were not wearing sweaters. The guys however...could have used some help. They WERE wearing sweaters (most of them anyways), and a couple were quite atrocious! Ironically, Ken did not have his own ugly sweater and Bella made him borrow one of hers!! :D The help part though pertained to their food. I honestly was expecting them to COOK something. But I learned to never expect much outta boys. They brought a pineapple, carrots, corn chips, pizza rolls, canned corn, and a buncha other random junk. LAME!! So there was not quite enough food to go around, and that was highly annoying to Bella after all the work she put into making the dinner a success. It was still fun though, because home is where the heart is, and that day my heart was with my friends.

"Nice sweater Zoe..." "THANKS!!" I replied enthusiastically to their uncertain comments. After all, the point for it is to be an UGLY sweater. Haha. It was also que fun listening to the comments people made about my cranberry drink before they knew I had made it. Several guys guessed it was apple cider, and some comments about it "exploding in their mouth" made me think they didn't really like it very much. Contrary to popular belief, it was NOT hot jello, and I DID make it myself. I thought it good, and though they said the same to my face, I don't think many others enjoyed it. Ah well, it sure was worth seeing the look on their faces! Perhaps I shoulda warned them it was warm cranberry juice...LOL. Good times.

So Bella and a couple hallmates and I had been planning for awhile to prank our bro hall. We decided that  it was the PERFECT night of least expecting. Sides, we had to get back at them for not cooking proper sides! I mean, how can you have thanksgiving without mashed potatoes, hu?!
Anyhoo, a bunch of them were going to see a midnight movie showing, we figured we'd do it at approx. 4:30am to give them enough time to fall asleep. Then the excitement began...Bec runs the night shift at student center desk. At 4am, Ken was STILL awake doing homework at a table right across from her! So she frantically (but with outside calm) called Bella to alert her to call off the prank. By the time we all knew about it, it was already 4:30 and he was heading to bed. We decided to go ahead with the scheme, and waited only a half hour.
So at promptly 5am we slothfully prowled down to the guys side, equipped with string, Vaseline, and tape. (Bella had though to gain permission to break visit hours, she has friends on the other side. ;)
After pasting Disney princess name-tags over their own, we smeared Vaseline on the door handles. I suggested tying handles together, and after arguing that it is NOT a fire hazard, away I went, creating a zig-zag pattern from door to door. Heh heh, I should love to have watched them try and get out of their rooms since the doors open IN!! :D

It took us nearly an hour to tape and tangle string from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. Hehe, it looked like a ginormous can of silly string exploded! After noticing it was almost 6am, I urged everyone we needed to skedaddle. Guys wake up early to exercise. They are weird like that. We quickly collected our supplies, but not before being caught by a couple guys from the neighboring hall! They promised not to tell, apparently they are their nemesis and prank each other a lot. SCORE! Now they will never guess it is us...
Until Bella told Ken during RA duty that night. Sigh. She is a terrible lair and secret keeper. But its alright, I am excited to see what they have planned! And we are already formulating a conspiracy to get them back.......beware of the Aqua babies.
So that is (so far) my Thanksgiving adventure of the week! More to come...

Psalm 103

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