Saturday, March 19, 2011

Transforming - Play the Glad Game!

My friend Kitty won the Dmae character design contest yesterday! It made me soooooo happy. :) We had talked about it some back during the snowtubing trip's bus ride so many weeks ago. She has been working on it since then, and all that hard work paying off puts a huge smile on my face.
During the art show I got a call from my supervisor at work, asking me to be responsible for getting my co-workers started and given keys. I agreed to do so, knowing the others would resent me for being given "authority" so to speak above them. They were chill with it for the most part, except Hair who was joking around that he was gonna hurt whoever decided he didn't get to be in charge. :p Whateves. It pleased me to be given something 'special' to do. My mom would always put higher expectations on my than on my siblings with chores and stuff. I enjoyed the extra work and responsibility that came with it! I have missed that somewhat. I guess it just made me happy because it shows that someone here trusts me. Which to me right now, is big. :)

K, so then after getting off work early (hurrah!) Kitty and I watched Transformers. I had never seen it before, and I actually enjoyed watching it. Sure it doesn't contain anything super spiritual, but the NAME pertains to my thoughts on life over the past week...

So, I have been reading through this book called the 4:8 Principle by Tommy Newberry. Highly recommended by Italy who shoved it in my face one day and told me to read it, the book is based on this verse:

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

The purpose of which is getting your views on life changed from - to +. I have struggled with negative crticism a LOT lately. Lately meaning the past year. Or two. It has been longer than that, but awhile back I did a devo much like this one and it changed my life for several months. Until...I started letting myself believe lies again.
So I am going to share a couple interesting things from today's reading.

"Everything you need to be joy-filled you already have."
Ooh, SHOCKWAVE. That one quote struck me hard. It makes me realize how selfish I am! When I think critically and negatively about others and myself and life in general, I am dissing all the blessings God has put in my life. I am forgetting that God is the one to put these blessings in my life. I look at the downside of the blessings instead of the topside! Haha, a little biology analogy...The underside of the leaf has holes (stomata) which are openings that let out H2O and let in CO2. Hot puffy air of pride is coming into my life by thinking negative thoughts, and the living water of God is slowly evaporating away. AHH! This has got to stop if I am ever to be grateful for the incredible blessings God has given me. There are SOOOO many of them! I have been looking at the gaps in relationships instead of the junctions. That is NOT following God's instruction to think on that which is good and healthy. You are abundantly blessed today my friend - even if you do not notice or appreciate it. Its possible to find fault with anything...just depends what you are looking for.

"You prosper only to the ceiling your thoughts permit." So join me in raising the roof my friends! Join my in answering the following 5 questions to get your thoughts focused on those wonderful blessings God has given to us...I started doing it doubting it would help. But it actually did! Cause when you focus your mind on good and on GOD you remember all other things fade in comparison...

1. What are 5 things I am thankful for right now?
- Hot Cherry Poptarts ;)
- Trees. They make me happy to climb!

- An amazing biology professor
- The process of speedy recovery for my little girl
- Kitty winning the Dmay contest!

2. What are 5 of my strengths or positive traits?
Ha, according to Strengthquest...Discipline. Learner. Responsibility. Harmony. Achiever. :p (those of you who know what that is...laugh away)

3. What are 5 of my best achievements so far?
- Cheering up Maul on a bad day
- Succeeding in being a fabulous ZooTeen ;)
- Raising over $200 for church missonaries just by recycling aluminum cans
- Graduating HS
- Getting my drivers license? :p That was quite the achievement for me for sure...

4. Who are the 5 people who love me the most?
This is a silly question since I cannot speak for them...but I would have to say
- Mom
- Ted Ontario
- Sissy
- Bright Eyes
- Italy

5. What 5 things am I looking forward to in the next 7 days?

Ooh, this is the toughest one. . .

- Carnival this afternoon
- Church tomorrow morning
- Bio lab on Thursday
- Going to the Opera with Sissy and KindHeart
- Succeeding in my 2 huge tests and quiz that are on the SAME. DAY.

Hmm, perhaps that shall get easier with practice? It actually took a long time. Makes me realize just how negative my thoughts have been. Well, the start of transfomation has begun. But only because of the love of Christ. :D

2 Corinthians 3:18
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

All this positive thinking reminds me of a very dated may know of it. Pollyanna anyone?

Kinda cheesy, but it WORKS. So think + my friends, and stay on the side of the leaf that collects the sunlight and stays green! :D Much love to you as we thrive in this journey together...

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Here's a song I thought you might enjoy :)
