Saturday, March 5, 2011

Basement Drama

If you ever want to see some really powerful dramas, look up basement drama team on youtube sometime. Wow. How they freeze in those akward positions and remain still for so long is amazing. Yet even more so than their talent for acting is their talent for getting a point across spiritually. 

Have you ever thought that demons could torment our Lord? I guess I had never thought of that. Yet just as the fouls of the devil torment us, so can they torment our savior. Is this correct? Please give input.
I mean, Jesus was tempted by Satan during his 40 day fast. Tempted to eat, to throw himself down, to worship Satan...basically tempted to test God. To test if God is who He says He is. Can He really save us from hunger? Thirst? Pain? Shall He really fulfill His promises? Well...the answer is yes of course.

But isn't it so easy to fall into that trap of testing God? Putting pressure on Him to follow through and give you things. Expecting Him to protect you from all emotional stress and sorrow. I forget to trust in God. To trust that He knows what He is doing. Is it really our place to test God? Deut. 6:16. God is supposed to test us. Ex. 20:20
Hmm. This I wonder about...

Well, my life has been quite in the basement. Its been dramatic and I have kept much in the dark. Guess the title of this post suits. Don't know if I can really explain it all...other than saying that these past couple of months have drastically altered me. I have grown so so much in my relationship with God and my outlook on life in these past weeks. Late nights talking with friends in the dorms, prayer sessions with God in quiet rooms, wrestling with God through prayer at work and during walks, cry parties over homework, the Word seeping into my life...Hmm.

I don't often like sharing what I am going through spiritually with others. Its kinda hard for me from past experiences and negative responses from others when I have done so in the past. But God is working, and my heart is being softened to allow me to comfortably talk about deep matters with friends. Its getting there. I am glad of it. I would not trade these last few months of living in the dorms for...well, anything. I love the experiences that God has challenged me with. I know there are more to come. It is hard. Very hard. I want to give up, but Jesus keeps me moving forward. Isn't He just the most amazing father? He truly is my only one true father. My true parent. He never breaks or crumbles. Jesus is stronger than that. <3 Hmm. Thank you my friends for your prayers. They are much appreciated and felt as comfort from above.

Matthew 26:41
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

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