Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Savior Gives Us The Freshest Start Of Them All!

So I actually haven't reflected at all about this past year. You see, I had my wisdom teeth out on the 31st. FUN TIMES. It actually wasn't that bad. Better than the only other appointment (2 days before Christmas!). Sides, I never do much for new years anyhoo. I really liked a quote a friend put on her facebook wall yesterday...

"I don't need a new year for a new start. I got that in my savior!"

SO true. Why do we make such a big deal out of a new year causing a fresh start? IDK. When Jesus came into my life, I was given an incredible blessing of a fresh start. Somehow, the calendar change just doesn't cut it. But nonetheless, I have enjoyed my year of 2010 and am looking forward to 2011.

2010 - the year I made the BEST of friends! Both from my homeschool graduating class AND from college.
2010 - the year I (again) re-learned that I need to put God BEFORE my schoolwork. No matter how stressed I may be about it, God is always always always more important.
2010 - the year I disappointed my parents by leaving home and going to college.
2010 - year I lost a couple of my best friends. Both due to their (and my) fickleness, and their moving away. :\
2010 - my personal fav, the year I finally ditched creepy boy! LOL, the benefits of moving away...wah hoo.

Anyways, there were the best of times in 2010. I loved it. Probably my most favoritest year ever yet. Brought a lot of emotional stress there at the end with the whole bio and chem classes doing poorly thing. Overall though, I acheived B's in everything. Though my perfectionist self accounts that as a fail, I am trying to convince myself that is actually not that bad for a first semester.

AND next year/semester is going to be even better! My only resolution is that I wanna continue putting God before anything else, and that I want to get to know my roomies better. We get along alright, but I haven't made any effort a'tall to truly become their friend. SO that is where I shall start as soon as I get back 'home.' I have two homes now. :)

I am planning on doing a lot more seeking and finding of my Lord Jesus this season of my life. What better time then when going insane in college? LOL. I love it.

Remember my friends, it is not the change of year that gives you a fresh start - that can only be found in Jesus. Seek. Him. Always.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” - 2 Corinthians 5:17

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