Saturday, November 13, 2010


It has been quite some time since I have posted, and for good reason. I have not only been busy, but have also been stressed. It has been quite the theme in my life that I need to STOP being so stressed. I never even realize how worried and worked up over things I get until someone points it out. There are ways to be busy without being stressed, and I for sure need to learn these ways.

 There was one day last week, Monday it was, a classmate stopped me after Bio and asked me how things were going. There was a sincerity about her that caused me to feel very sad because I knew I couldn't brush her off with a simple, "Life is good!" smile. She saw that I have been struggling with stress, and knew I needed help. She was an amazing witness to me that day. It is werid, when we think of witnessing (or at least when I think of it) I think of it meaning that we need to tell others of Jesus' gift of salvation to us. But I think witnessing can really be more of a broad term, because she truly was lifting me up and encouraging me that afternoon with the Word of the Lord. She walked with me and sat me down at a couple quiet chairs in the library, and just talked me through what has been going on in my life. She saw that I have been putting grades as a high priority in my life, and stressing over homework and such. I know that I was doing this and needed to change my perspectives so that God was first, but when she pointed that out to me I was just like, wow.

I really didn't think that others notice how much I was stressing! I was trying to hide it. But it shows when you are disconnected with God because you are not putting Him first! It def shows. Which made me sad that day to think that I had been neglecting my relationship with God all because I wanted to get good grades. Because I wanted to do well. Because my attitude towards things would reflect on ME. So selfish! So I have been struggling with that...with putting God before my homework...for being able to be content with homework and to not stress over it! And then after that Mary invited me to a Bible study with her that night. I went, and it was phenomenal. It is weird how sometimes it is like God is speaking directly to you through others! It was quite eye opening to have God contantly putting reminders in my life this week that I need to STOP stressing! At our Wednesday night hall Bible study, the theme was, you guessed it, STRESS. How we need can be busy and not stress during it! Wow.

Then it so happens that tonight was stress relief night in the student center. I went with my most awesome friend TeeHee and it was really fun. Down time with twinkle lights, Disney coloring books, and music. I loved  it. Sigh. It is wonderful how when God really wants you to "get" something He will bring the issue across your path time and time again. When you keep ignoring it, sometimes He stops. But maybe it just seems that way because you are ignoring Him! That is what I think. So yeah, stress needs to stop in my life. I don't know how. But somehow I need to figure this out. Because my neck and back has been feeling the tension lately. Not good. :p
Stress has SO many negative affects on your body and mind! It actually detracts from your life instead of adds to it...Just causes caous in your mind and doesn't really help you get stuff done any faster than normal. Just hinders me really, because I am thinking about what other homework I have to do when I am working on a subject, and then nothing gets done well. Its bad.

Matthew 6:27
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Matthew 6:25
[ Do Not Worry ] “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?

Matthew 10:19
But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say,

1 comment:

  1. This post has such a good message girl! It is really hard to not be constantly stressed these days! Thanks for putting this out there. :)
