Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Time will not permit me to ramble about how much I love my Old Testament class! I am learning so so much from it!

It was really nice to talk to my mom about it this weekend over break. I must have spent near 3 hours straight talking with her about it! She loves the old testament, always has! I never did appreciate all of the teachings she gave to my siblings and I as we were growing up. She would read passage after passage out of the OT every morning during our devotion times. Now I seem to have a lot of the stories and happenings of the Bible in my subconscious memory! haha! A leg up from the other folks I might say. Not really though, because there is so so much that I have yet to learn! God is amazingly faithful...time and time again the OT proves this! Wow. Awesome.

I just finished reading through 2 Chronicles. I must say though, it seemed pointless. It repeats itself so much! Meaning that all that is in Chronicles was/is in other books of the Bible too. Like Judges, Samuel, and the such. I do not understand though why the Bible must repeat these stories in the Chronicles account? There are only slight changes in wording, it is basically word for word from the other accounts. So why? Why waste space by repeating the same stories again? Why not expand on them or explain them or tell new stories? More examples of God's character and faithfulness to His chosen people? I don't get it. I am excited to go to my 7:50am class tomorrow! Most other students remark on how OT is the most boring class ever (second to Western Civilization), but I love it!! It is cool to be able to study the Bible in a different perspective. More broad and general. Just to get the gist of what the OT's purpose is. I want to talk to my prof about the numerous questions I have from the readings today. They pile up, and then sometimes I forget to ask about them.

They include:
What is a salt covenant? -Mentioned in 2 Chron. 13
Can you really COMMAND a burnt offering as King Hezekiah did in chap. 29?
What really can we learn from the countless names listed in the genealogies?

And stuff like that.
Time to go. I am attempting to get 6 hours of sleep before starting a full day of classes tomorrow. Sleep. Such a waste of time that could be spent learning about the Old Testament! haha!
Well alrighty then, more on that later. :)

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