Monday, January 3, 2011

Want to Chew?

"It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives..."

I love this quote! I don't know who said it, but it is so so true.

For quite a silly example, yesterday I really missed chewing. Chewing?! Yes, chewing. When you cannot even fit earbuds into your ears, you know your face is swollen. I basically CAN'T chew cause my mouth is stiff. I never realized what a blessing it is to be able to chew until now...when it is very hard to do so. Imagine if you didn't have any teeth! And had to eat a soft diet all the time... *shudders* Thank you God for giving me all my teeth...and then some! ;)
No joke, I am truly thankful to my savior Jesus for aiding me in such a quick recovery! I haven't felt sick a'tall! Besides some minor soreness and swelling (and ocassional salt-water rinsing...LOL) I have been perfectly normal. If you consider me normal that is...ha!

Then again, I wonder if it really is entirely true. There is some truth to all lies, so then is there some lie to all truths? Perhaps that is what we call 'exceptions' ? IDK.
No lie comes from truth though, no matter what parallels we might find in it to the truth...

1 John 2:21
"I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth."

But it seems that regarding spirtual matters, sometimes you DO know that there is something missing before you have got it. YET you wouldn't really know the entirety of what it is you are missing until you actually have it, now would you? It is just that God puts in our hearts a knowledge for the supernatural. A knowing, deep down, that there is more than what you can see. Why do you think magic is such a popular subject with the secular world? (and Christian realm as well...I personally love Narnia and AlagaĆ«sia) Humans know that there is a spiritual realm as well as a physical one. People might even confess they believe in other worlds. Well, are not heaven and hell, in a way, other worlds? They are not here on earth for sure! (though rumor has it hell is located in the center of the earth...creepy stuff) That is, they are not something we know and live in at the moment...yes? IDK, I don't wanna confuse myself more. Ephesians 6:12              

Grace and peace to you my friends! May you have a good week whether this starts a new semester or ends your fall break, remember to always eat pizza with pickled prunes. Cuts down on the heartburn!
hahaha, JK
remember to always find time for Jesus! He is the true blessing.

Ephesians 1:3
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ."

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