Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ho Hum Day

So I stayed up late last night working on homework. Yes, it was a Friday night and I did homework. Deal with it! I am responsible like that. Though it may be true that on Sunday night others shall be cramming to do homework, now I can just have fun reviewing the stuff I learned and know it better. YAY. That is the theory anyways.
I didn't get as much done today as I wanted to.

I went on a walk with Krissy and found a random park! It had a giant green plastic caterpillar that we tried to climb on, but it was really slippery. Krissy made it up and then promptly named it Phred. haha! Then we swang for awhile on a ho hum bench swing.
It was a good distraction from homework!

I did study OT for awhile though. That was fun. I discovered a "new" website,! You can make your own flash cards and not waste paper. It is SUPER handy! AND the best part is you can look up any other students who have your same class and have used the site! Then you can use their notecards too. Brilliant stuff. I was able to fill in gaps in my notes this way. Love it! You should try it out. I recommend it highly :)

K, so what else? I am not tuned into writing anything profound tonight. Not that I ever do. It has just been random life stuff lately. BUT I did warn you that would happen. Or maybe I didn't. But I thought about it! And it is the thought that counts, right? Yes, I do believe so. LOL!

So other than homework I listened to music on, another website I am learning to like. New music is good for me. I REALLY love audio adrenaline! It is too bad that their band broke up...cause I really want their song Big Big House. But I don't have itunes and they don't sell the CDs anymore. Sad.

I got a text today that said, "Sardines in Naz at 10:30?" and I was like, WHA?! hahahahahaha! Random. What college student would in their right mind eat a sardine? Apparently a lot. Though I find out later they were referencing the GAME of sardines and not the food. Silly people. hehe. :D

 Well I should go to bed. Perhaps tomorrow I shall be in a better writing mood. Not likley. I think it would be really interesting to participate in NanoWrimo!! I had never heard of it until coming here to college...and now I just don't have the time. Maybe next year....we shall see. Trying a new church tomorrow. No friends to go with, but that is OK. I am going anyways. I need to focus on my Jesus and loving people more than homework. YAY. Very excited.

Don't forget to turn your clocks back! It is time-warp night!!!! WOO HOO!! Funzies. :D

Nighters my friends! Dream of Cold Stone Creamery hot chocolate and musicals with opera singers...

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