Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Minnesotans Do for Fun

Today is Saturday. Today I slept in til 9am. Today I went to an alpaca farm. This is what we Minnesotans do for fun! Why would you want to go to New York and visit world-famous museums for $1 when you can kiss a llama?!
I know my friend Bob was only trying to be funny when she teases me about such things, and I don't normally mind it. It is just that I have been feeling so very lonely these last 2 days after Katana left. It made me realize just how much I miss being with my old friends. (Facebook and Skype is NOT the same!! Even when Katana and I were just hanging out, we were having troubles finding what to say. Perhaps cause FB has stole all our social life. I hate it.) So anyways, when I hear about all the cool things that my old friends are being able to do, it makes my life seem super lame.  Like the alpaca thing. I joined a cro/knit and crochet club to get me "involved."
But lemme explain.
I basically talk to people and do homework 24/7. I am not complaining, I LOVE doing those things! That is what I am here for! But I do want to have a variety of friends (besides bio majors) and get involved with stuff here on campus. So there was this "club" day where clubs set up booths down by the dinning hall and you can sign up and find out more. Well, by the time I got out of bio class and down to eat lunch the only table left was the knitting club. I love knitting, so I was like, "Well, why not? Maybe they can teach me something new!" They have already, and I am excited to get started on knitting some Christmas presents for friends during chapel. :)

So I guess I didn't realize just how lame it sounds to be in a knitting club in college until my New-York-college friend started teaching me about it. Meh. I still think it is cool though! I tend to enjoy being productive and boring, so it fits. Anyways, so the club was taking a field trip today to an alpaca farm! It was an hour away, and I spent most of my Saturday in the car or cuddling with an orange tabbycat trying to stay warm in this blustery weather. But I succeeded in scaring the baby alpacas away and kissing a llama instead! haha! I also learned that alpaca yarn is very expensive, yet durable, and a sweater has come down in price from several hundred dollars to around $70. Yikes.
So instead I got some yarn from a nearby craft store and shall be collecting my needles from home. Yup. The lameo Minnesota cheapskate that I am. I am not sure what upsets me more, that my college is so sheltered or that Bob's college is not. I mean, how can I ever learn to live in the "real world" unless I am thrown into dealing with matters of handing drugs, smoking, and the such? Yet, I also want to NOT be in those situations, because then I shall not ever be tempted to fall into such things. Surrounding yourself with such godly people is a good thing! Think on matters of purity and goodness and such is what the Bible says. But I just want some situations that will cause me to get out of my comfort zone and get me used to dealing with difficult situations. Cause I am bad at that. I don't wanna cave to peer pressures! I am weak. But I know my Jesus is stronger...

Well, that is all for now. I must be going to bed. Church tomorrow! Going to try a new place with my hallmate. Very excited!
Jesus is awesome.

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