First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Enjoy God's abundance in this new year of 2011. Seek Him Always and You SHALL Find.
Yesterday, as mentioned before, my 4 wisdom teeth were removed.
My question is why in the world do we need these extra 4 molars?? If all we humans do is remove them, what even is their point?
A friend speculated a truly odd reason...that they are to be used for the purpose of aging. As when you age a horse by their teeth. (I was like, WHAT?! you are just plain weird my friend...) I don't understand it, but ok then.
So I got 'em out. Don't remember a thing that happened during the procedure or immediately after it. I choose to be put under. Seemed better to me that way.
My first recognition was waking up sitting on a bench in a recovery room with my mom calling my name and asking how I was. She asked me questions, which my mouth full of gauze tried to answer. LOL. I was so out of it still that I faded in and out when trying to text on her phone my answers, and it took me 10 min. just to say one word...TED! haha
I wanted to know if he could understand my mutterings. Somehow I didn't recall that he was not there. ha, WOW that anesthesia really throws ya for a loop!
So I faded in and out of consciousness/memory, desperately trying to remember and listen to the nurse's instructions. Good thing mom was there!
Went home and attempted to sleep. Failed though. Too noisy and light out. I cannot sleep when it is light. Bleh.
Felt totally fine, besides being hungry cause liquids do NOT fill me up. Walked around, up and down the stairs, made myself soup, then sat on the computer all day. I don't quite understand it, but I have absolutely NO nausea or drowsiness or dizziness because of it. Even my face isn't that swollen!
The most annoying thing out of the day was not being able to get my earbuds to stay put because of the swelling. Haha! I just wish I could go sledding now...but NO exercise or bending over are the instructions. Lame socks.
Was freaked out a bit last night when the doc called to make sure I was ok. I told him I was not taking the pain meds, and he replied that I would wake in the night screaming in discomfort (once the numbness wears off) if I did not go get the prescriptions filled right away. I calmly thanked him for his concern and hung up. HA! Like I am going to pay money for prescription vicadin when I can just use over-the-counter ibuprofen. Silly doctors. It is hardly even achy.
So my new years eve consisted of icing my face and "taking it easy" by sitting on the couch on the internet, listening to audio books. (If you have never heard the purple cow poem, google it. HILARIOUS!) What fun. Meh. But I am not complaining, because I know I am doing exceedingly well compared to how some of my friends were when they got theirs out! My dad was hospitalized cause he got an infection. Yikes. Bad news.
I count it all to my Jesus though that I am doing so well. I honestly just wanna go run around! Tired already of being stuck in the house. Thank you all my friends for your prayers! I can for sure feel them at their work.
I bask now in my Lord's abundance. Is he not the bestest?! :D
Jeremiah 33:6
“‘Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.
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